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Gammal 2011-06-18, 14:20   #11
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Reg.datum: dec 2010
Ort: Det karga nord
Inlägg: 852
Sharp$: 1843

Om någon vill testa på att arba lite nästa månad eller bara testa en ny programvara i kontrast till Rebel Betting som de flesta kör med så kommer programmet Surebet Monitor vara gratis hela nästa månad då de just släppt en rejäl updatering, för mer info läs artikeln nedan


SurebetMonitor has just released an updated version of the alert service, and they are certainly looking like they are about to enter the market as a highly competitive service. Their initial beta launch in October last year saw some initial resistance and had a lot of loose ends which needed tidying up, but the SurebetMonitor team pushed on with their project, making improvements, addressing criticisms fairly and honestly, and generally trying their best to make the best alert service they can. I really appreciate this recent phenomenon of alert services placing themselves open to the full plethora of criticisms which they inevitably will receive on ArbForum, and maintaining that completely open transperancy nonetheless. It does inspire a large degree of trust of the service provider, and hope that this industry has crawled out of the slum that it once (and to some extent still does) existed in.

Since their early beta launch, SurebetMonitor has gone through a lot of version updates, managed to actually get its own domain (which was a bit odd at the beginning, not having the surebetmonitor.com domain!), and has finally reached a ‘Public Beta’ stage now. It seems they have addressed all of the primary technical complaints and issues, and are now working on simply improving the coverage and offerings of the service. The website looks much better than it did when first launched too

Anyway, what you really need to know at the moment, is that SurebetMonitor is FREE for the next month. So, really, if you are arbing, or preparing to start arbing, you’d be stupid to not download it while the opportunity presents itself to get free alerts. I’ve never seen any two alert services (which aren’t clones of one another) to ever find the same arbs – so any extra alert service you add to your current alert services can only add more opportunities to your arbing activity.


I’m sure I will have more to say about SurebetMonitor in the near future, with a more comprehensive review of their alert service.


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