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Gammal 2010-03-09, 12:40   #22
Zimonds avatar
Reg.datum: jan 2010
Inlägg: 236
Sharp$: 1178

Who Is John Galt?
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Fattar inte varför dom inte bara säger som det är.

Boken Reminiscences of a Stock Operator är fullproppad med grymma citat, bland annat en schysst dialog mellan huvudpersonen Livingstone och en av hans aktiemäklare. Livingstone har blivit inskickad till mäklarens kontor efter att ha dragit in mycket pengar. Boken är skriven i biografisk jag-form.

"What do you want to see me about?" I asked him.

"Listen, kid. I ain't got nothin' again yeh, see? Nothin' at all. See?"

"No, I don't see," I said.

He got up from his swivel chair. He was a whopping big guy. He said to me, "Just come over here, Livingston, will yeh?" and he walked to the door. He opened it and then he pointed to the customers in the big room. "D'yeh see them?" he asked.

"See what?"

"Them guys. Take a look at 'em, kid. There's three hundred of 'em! Three hundred suckers! They feed me and my family. See? Three hundred suckers! Then yeh come in, and in two days yeh cop more than I get out of the three hundred in two weeks. That ain't business, kid not for me! I ain't got nothin' agin yeh. Yer welcome to what ye've got. But yeh don't get any more. There ain't any here for yeh!"


"Look here " I began.

"You look here, Livingston," he said. "I've heard all about yeh. I make my money coppering suckers' bets, and yeh don't belong here. I aim to be a sport and yer welcome to what yeh pried off'n us. But more of that would make me a sucker, now that I know who yeh are. So toddle along, sonny!"
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