Visa ett inlägg
Gammal 2018-09-19, 18:22   #71
Reg.datum: okt 2010
Inlägg: 103
Sharp$: 2234

Ursprungligen postat av Perlann Visa inlägg
hank you for your patience.

I am happy to inform you, that we have now closed the investigation of your account. We apologise for the delay and inconvenience this has caused and have reopened your account already for you.

Kindly note that we have deducted your balance because we could see, that you have breached the terms of our Sports Welcome Bonus in regards of multiple bets on same match and market. Therefore the bonus had to forfeited and the winnings along with it.

The total amount deducted would have been 5658SEK but we will not request you to repay the already withdrawn amount.

Please let us know if there is anything else we can help you with in the future.

Kindest regards,

The Betfinal Fraud Team
Var det ens mot reglerna att spela flera spel på samma match? Bara ett spel som räknas mot omsättningen, men annars var det väl fritt fram så länge man inte spelade både Ö2,5 och U2,5 eller liknande.
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