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Gammal 2010-04-19, 19:40   #316
olof86s avatar
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Jo, alltså det var ingen kritik mot er som anmäler utan en sorgsen reflektion över hur polisen arbetar idag. Jag håller givetvis tummarna för att ni får cashen åter.
"I find that the harder I work, the more luck I seem to have."
Thomas Jefferson
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Gammal 2010-04-19, 21:24   #317
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Ursprungligen postat av RobinD Visa inlägg
Stämmer inte, du kan visst bli personligt betalninsansvarig om du äger ett aktiebolag. Du är som person befriad från visst ansvar men inte helt.
Kan du utveckla?
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Gammal 2010-04-19, 22:15   #318
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Ursprungligen postat av ChrisWaddle Visa inlägg
Kan du utveckla?
Sitter i bilen med iPhone, kort, som ägare i ett aktiebolag har du skyldighet att driva bolaget seriöst. Så även om ett AB är en egen juridisk person så kan man inte agera hur som helst. Du måste sköta redovisningen etc och gör man sig skyldig till oaktsamhet eller grov sådan så kan man bli personligt betalningsansvarig för bolagets skulder.
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Gammal 2010-04-20, 16:35   #319
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Håller helt, med brott mot personer är i Sverige tämligen oviktigt, =låga straffsatser. MEN om du fifflar mot STATEN, skatt, moms etc då blir det höga straff. Sovjetstaten hade samma policy.......
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Gammal 2010-04-21, 18:34   #320
pawwesharks avatar
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Polisen i Helsingborg ringde idag.
Ville hålla ytterligare ett förhör med mig och som vanligt hade de inte koll på läget för fem öre.

Jag uppmanar ännu en gång alla drabbade


Polisen sa att bara 3 st personer hade anmält.

Dom samlar just nu in bevis.
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Gammal 2010-04-22, 10:54   #321
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Hi, Sorry I don't speak Swedish. I'm from the UK.

I complained to the police over the internet, and got a reply last week, but I'm not sure where the officer that replied is based. I've heard nothing in a week, so will e-mail for an update.

Is there a particular person in the Helsingborg police department, whom I can suggest the officer that replied to me should contact so that we can try and get all the complaints handled together? Please pm (private message) me with the info or add to the thread.
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Gammal 2010-04-22, 12:18   #322
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Just out of curiousity, c00kiemonster, how did you first hear of the company? You are the first Non-Swede I have heard of who got scammed.
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Gammal 2010-04-22, 17:03   #323
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Ursprungligen postat av ChrisWaddle Visa inlägg
Just out of curiousity, c00kiemonster, how did you first hear of the company? You are the first Non-Swede I have heard of who got scammed.
I actually like betting on golf - tournament matchups in particular. One of the only sports where I seem able not to lose much money. Most of the UK bookies offer match ups with a draw option, which I don't like because of the impact on the odds. I googled for golf betting. When I checked, I saw these guys were part of a larger network (the 24hpay one), so thought things were safer than they obviously were :( I didn't realise they'd left that network until after I didn't get paid, and then started to see if the network could help me. Obviously, not the time to investigate properly... Plus, they didn't offer much more in the way of golf match ups anyway compared to what I could get elsewhere despite their bl**dy name! C*ck up all round really, on my part.
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Gammal 2010-04-27, 12:44   #324
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I received 3 documents today in the mail from the police in Sweden, two from Malmo, one from Jonkoping.

It's obviously all in Swedish, does anyone have any idea what bits I should translate?

At a guess, I'm wondering if one records the complaint (the Jonkoping one, 3 sheets), one passes it to a specific officer in Malmo (2 sheets), then the Malmo officer closes the case (1 sheet). The 1 sheet document says: "Beslutsmotivering: Forundersokning inleds ej - brottet har civilrattslig karaktar." (I can't do the .. above "o"s on my keyboard).

Aren't certain types of fraud a criminal offence too? What the police saying to Swedish complainants? Even if I don't get any money back, I'd like to see Mr Gladh experience the best the Swedish justice system has got to offer.

If I am right on what the letters say, can or should I appeal? If so, how should I do that?

Thanks in advance!
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Gammal 2010-04-27, 12:53   #325
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Ursprungligen postat av c00kiemonster Visa inlägg
I received 3 documents today in the mail from the police in Sweden, two from Malmo, one from Jonkoping.

It's obviously all in Swedish, does anyone have any idea what bits I should translate?

At a guess, I'm wondering if one records the complaint (the Jonkoping one, 3 sheets), one passes it to a specific officer in Malmo (2 sheets), then the Malmo officer closes the case (1 sheet). The 1 sheet document says: "Beslutsmotivering: Forundersokning inleds ej - brottet har civilrattslig karaktar." (I can't do the .. above "o"s on my keyboard).

Aren't certain types of fraud a criminal offence too? What the police saying to Swedish complainants? Even if I don't get any money back, I'd like to see Mr Gladh experience the best the Swedish justice system has got to offer.

If I am right on what the letters say, can or should I appeal? If so, how should I do that?

Thanks in advance!
Did you file a complaint against GnB as a company or against the owner, Gladh?
They said they will not open any preliminary investigation because the crime has a civil law characteristic
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Gammal 2010-04-27, 12:59   #326
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Against the owner, Stefan Gladh. The company GnB is, for what it's worth, registered with a UK head office, so I don't think I could complain against them to the Swedish authorities.

Thanks for your reply.
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Gammal 2010-04-28, 00:32   #327
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Vad är det för idioter som jobbar på polisen i Malmö?

Brottet har "civilrättsligt karaktär"???

Sen när är ett bedrägeri inte ett brott?
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Gammal 2010-04-28, 23:08   #328
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Idioterna på polisen har förmodligen bättre koll än random forum-idiot.
Eftersom GolfnBet har seglat utan både spellicens och F-skattesedel så har det helt enkelt handlat om att du satt in pengar på Stefan Gladhs konto. Således står det mellan er två, vilket då naturligt faller in under "civilrättslig karaktär"
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Gammal 2010-04-28, 23:11   #329
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Dags att ta det "civilrättsligt" snart då!
Herr Gladh - om du läser, fram med info om NÄR betalningar kommer att börja betalas.
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Gammal 2010-04-29, 00:10   #330
ricos avatar
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Tror att alla skulle tjäna på om ni samarbetade mer organiserat.......... Har någon överhuvudtaget kontaktat en jurist i frågan?

Gå ihop i en grupp och låt någon juridisk kunnig fylla i polisanmälan på med era ögon mest fördelaktiga sätt och lägg upp filen i tråden så kan alla drabbade använda sig av den. Det skulle få upp antalet anmälningar vilket skulle sätta press på polisen att agera i ärendet.

Bedragaren har räknat med att ingen skulle orka driva något enskilt ärende emot honom. Gå ihop i en grupp och sänk jäveln.................
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